One Mo’ Gin: DIY D’angelo Inspired Bar Light


Pour yourself a drink and listen to this.

D’angelo’s lyrics always manage to capture small but significant romantic details. THIS is what I love most about his music. I thought a small bar light would be a great detail to make the bar shelf into more of an bar area and tie it into the rest of the decor.

I’ve been researching how to make a bar light to accompany my the shelf. All the tutorials were much too involved. So I came up with a simpler solution, and honestly this meshes much better with the rest of the room.

I was sitting at work when the idea to make this sign hit me. An homage to one of my favorite artists and one of my favorite spirits. One day I may get this made into a real neon light sign, but for now this is giving me everything I need.

What you’ll need

I used painters tape to make sure that the letters were aligned. And cut the tail of the “Z” to make the apostrophe.

I used the metal clamps on the back of the frame to secure the lights onto the frame. They can also be glued for a more permanent solutions.

And that’s it!